On Tuesday, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge wrote to President Draupadi Murmu, urging her intervention in the ongoing crisis in Manipur. In his letter, Kharge accused both the Union and state governments of failing to restore peace and normalcy in the region, which has been engulfed in violence for the past 18 months.
Kharge described the situation in Manipur as a “grave tragedy” of extraordinary proportions, with the ongoing turmoil resulting in the loss of over 300 lives, including women, children, and even infants. He highlighted that nearly one lakh people have been displaced, forced to live in relief camps, and left homeless as a result of the violence. Kharge emphasized that the suffering of the people continues unabated, with no end in sight.
He criticized both the Union and state governments for their failure to address the crisis, noting that the people of Manipur had lost confidence in both. “With every passing day, the people of Manipur are becoming insecure on their own soil,” Kharge wrote, pointing to the merciless killings of infants, children, and women. He argued that, despite the prolonged unrest, no meaningful intervention had come from the governments involved, leaving the people isolated and helpless.
Kharge further stated that the people of Manipur had lost faith in both the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of the state, as their lives and properties remained unprotected. The letter concluded by appealing to President Murmu to step in and ensure that the situation in Manipur is addressed urgently, as the state’s citizens continue to endure unimaginable hardship.
The crisis in Manipur has been marked by ethnic clashes, widespread violence, and displacement, and Kharge’s letter underscores growing frustration with the government’s handling of the situation.