Farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, whose fast-unto-death entered its 46th day on Friday, released a video message targeting the Punjab unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In the video, lasting nearly three minutes, Dallewal claimed that he had been informed the BJP’s Punjab unit had approached the Akal Takht, requesting the Jathedar to intervene and persuade him to end his fast.
Dallewal, however, criticized this approach, asserting that the BJP leaders were directing their efforts in the wrong direction. He suggested that instead of seeking the Akal Takht’s intervention, the BJP should be focusing on reaching out to key leaders in the central government. Specifically, he urged them to approach the office of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address the issue. He also recommended that they visit the offices of Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar, who had previously expressed concern over the matter, as well as those of Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Home Minister Amit Shah.
The farmer leader emphasized that the reason for his prolonged fast was to push for the acceptance of farmers’ demands. He made it clear that he would only end his fast once the government agreed to those demands, signaling his commitment to the cause and his determination to continue the protest until meaningful progress was made.