Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi and leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), is currently detained by the courts and is expected to stay in Tihar Jail until April 15, 2024. After his appeal was turned down by the Delhi High Court, where the Chief Minister originally challenged his detention, Kejriwal took his case to the Indian Supreme Court. Although Kejriwal’s attorney anticipated an urgent hearing today, the appeal will not be heard by the Supreme Court today. Furthermore, the chief minister of Delhi has been the target of protests by BJP officials who want his resignation. Get all the most recent information about Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest.
As previously stated, Arvind Kejriwal’s case contesting his arrest will not be heard by the Supreme Court of India today. When Kejriwal’s attorney, Abhishek Singhvi, asked CJI DY Chandrachud for an urgent hearing earlier today, he responded, “We will see, we will look into it.” According to the SC Calendar, there is a holiday on Friday and the supreme court is closed on Thursday in observance of Eid-Ul-Fitr. As a result, the appeal will now be considered once the court opens on Monday. Delhi On Wednesday, BJP workers in Delhi staged a demonstration in front of the AAP headquarters on DDU Marg, calling for Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to step down in relation to the alleged excise scam. Police used water cannons to subdue BJP workers who attempted to breach the barriers during the protest. “The kind of statement the High Court made yesterday, never before such a remark was made against any CM by any court,” BJP leader Kapil Mishra said in an interview with a media house.Following that, Arvind Kejriwal was ordered to vacate the chair by the High Court on charges of corruption and for attempting to evade the investigation by disguising himself as the Chief Minister.