The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is allegedly attempting to establish President’s rule in the nation’s capital, according to the Delhi administration. Minister for Delhi Atishi claimed to have heard from reliable sources that there is a political plot to topple the Arvind Kejriwal administration.
According to Atishi, despite openings in numerous departments, senior IAS officers’ postings in Delhi have remained unchanged for a number of months.
“No officers are being posted in Delhi, no transfer postings within Delhi, and officers have stopped attending the meetings since the elections were announced,” the leader of the AAP stated.
She added that the dismissal of Mr. Kejriwal’s private secretary was a component of the “conspiracy”.
All claims were refuted by the BJP, which also claimed that the AAP had been “cooking up new stories daily”.
Every day, the party prepares Manohar Kahaani, or interesting stories.
The Chief Minister has not met with the Lieutenant General since September, despite their claims that no officials are being hired, according to BJP spokesperson Harish Khurana.