This general election, the Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat has generated a lot of discussion as the AIMIM chairman Asaduddin Owaisi and Bharatiya Janata Party’s Madhavi Latha prepare to engage in a high-stakes contest. Nominations for both candidates have been submitted from the seat. The AIMIM chairman submitted his paperwork on April 19, while Madhavi Latha of the BJP submitted her nomination on April 24.
According to the assets and revenue streams listed in the leaders’ declarations, Madhavi Latha possesses nearly ten times as much assets as Owaisi.
According to news agency PTI, the AIMIM chairman listed family assets at Rs 23.87 crore, whereas the candidate of the saffron party declared assets of Rs 218.38 crore, both moveable and immovable. In terms of obligations, Owaisi has reported obligations of Rs 7 crore, while Madhavi Latha’s family has obligations totaling Rs 27 crore.
Madhavi Latha and her family have immovable assets valued at Rs 55.92 crore and movable assets valued at Rs 165.46 crore, according to the electoral affidavit that she filed.