Sahil Khan, an actor and influencer, was detained by the Mumbai Police on suspicion of being involved in the Mahadev betting app case. The Special Investigating Team (SIT) of the Mumbai cyber cell captured him in Chhattisgarh after the Bombay High Court denied his request for pre-arrest bail.
Sahil had already been summoned by the SIT and three other people for questioning in December 2023, but he had failed to appear. Denying any direct affiliation with the betting site, he stated that he was only a brand promoter for The Lion Book brand under a contract with M/s. Isports247. He was a co-owner of the app, according to the police, though. Through Raipur, he is being transported to Mumbai. He was the partner of Lotus App 247, the police said. additionally
Mahadev Betting App Case,actor Sahil Khan arrested