Arvinder Singh Lovely, the head of the Congress’s Delhi branch, resigned in the wake of the Lok Sabha elections, severely condemning the party’s alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party and the remarks made by Congress candidates Kanhaiya Kumar and Udit Raj. Arvinder Singh Lovely blasted Kanhaiya Kumar for praising Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is behind bars in a money laundering case, in his resignation letter to Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge.
“Yaad rakha meri baat (remember my words), now the party will stand,” Udit Raj stated in response to a question regarding Arvinder Singh Lovely’s departure. the person who served as a minister for twenty years and as an MLA for fifteen. The party was having trouble, so what action did he take to make it better? The franchise system and factionalism caused anguish for the common labourers.