The AAP stated that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita was not allowed to meet him on Monday by the Tihar jail administration.
Officials at Tihar jail reported that Atishi, a minister in Delhi, was granted permission to meet with Kejriwal on April 29 after submitting an application last week, while Sunita’s plea was received earlier in the day.
“Sunita has been meeting with Kejriwal, and it is hardly in doubt that her permission will be granted. We must adhere to protocol, and the Atishi meeting has already been planned,” a source from the Tihar jail stated.
AAP sources, however, disregarded the Tihar jail administration’s assertion.
“On April 27, the Tihar administration received the names of Sunita Kejriwal and Atishi, who were scheduled to meet with the chief minister on Monday.”
Jail Authority Denies Permission To Sunita to Meet Kejriwal