The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) released a list of 21 candidates for the Haryana Assembly polls on Wednesday, fielding Kavita Dalal from Julana against the Congress’s Vinesh Phogat and BJP’s Yogesh Bairagi.
This is the fourth list of candidates released by the party for the October 5 Haryana polls.
Raj Kaur Gill has been fielded by the AAP from the Ambala Cantonment seat while Sunil Bindal is in the fray from Karnal. Nishant Anand will contest the polls from Gurugram.
The AAP’s first list of 20 candidates for the Haryana polls was released on Monday as its seat-sharing talks with the Congress broke down.
The Arvind Kejriwal-led party has so far declared 61 candidates for the polls.