Following the death of Baba Siddique, Salman Khan has been in the news a lot. Salman Khan is allegedly being targeted by the group led by thug Lawrence Bishnoi. The 1998 Blackbuck Poaching case is said to have put the superstar under the Lawrence Bishnoi gang’s notice. Salman Khan and his family are said to have received threats from the gang in the past. Salman Khan has received a fresh threat, according to a recent update. Salman Khan is purportedly being requested Rs 5 crore by Lawrence Bishnoi’s group in order to put an end to their animosity. According to a message that Mumbai Traffic Police got, Salman Khan’s situation will deteriorate even more than Baba Siddique’s if he doesn’t pay the money. In the midst of all, Salman Khan’s video became viral.
The fake video of Salman Khan threatening Lawrence Bishnoi gets viral