Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, the horror-comedy starring Kartik Aaryan and Vidya Balan, has struggled to maintain momentum after a strong opening weekend. The film, which had a robust start at the box office, grossed Rs 35.5 crore on its first day, Rs 37 crore on day 2, and Rs 33.5 crore on day 3, making a total of Rs 123.5 crore in its opening four days. However, its Monday numbers saw a dip, with the film earning Rs 17.5 crore on day 4, which some industry watchers consider a setback, as it failed the “Monday test.”
The film’s theatrical occupancy on Monday was 41.08%, with top-performing markets including Mumbai, NCR, Pune, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, and Surat. However, it saw significantly low footfall in cities like Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru, where other films, such as Amaran (starring Sivakarthikeyan) and Lucky Baskhar (starring Dulquer Salmaan), are performing strongly. Amaran has earned Rs 93.35 crore, and Lucky Baskhar has grossed Rs 32.9 crore as of their first Monday.
Despite the Monday drop, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is on track to surpass the Rs 150 crore mark at the Indian box office in the coming days. Worldwide, the film has grossed Rs 164.2 crore, with Rs 37 crore coming from overseas markets.
Directed by Anees Bazmee, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 follows Rooh Baba (played by Kartik Aaryan), a fraudulent exorcist who gets involved in a case at a haunted castle, uncovering a sinister plot. The ensemble cast includes Vidya Balan, Trupti Dimri, Madhuri Dixit, Vijay Raaz, Rajpal Yadav, Sanjay Mishra, and others in pivotal roles.