About Us

About Us

We are here…For Your Rights

It all started with a monthly magazine in the year 2015. There is a great need for Legal Journalism along with the mainstream as often the fact gets lost in the fanfare of breaking news and viewership andwhodunit business. With anybody and everybody jumping into the fray there is a great need of thosewho understand and weigh the facts in the right perspective. The team of Legal Boundary is equippedboth legal and journalistic background and years of grooming at the grassroot. We are dedicated toserve the real picture to our subscribers who depend on us. Every effort is made to get to the bottom ofevery article published. We have a investigative team of journalist who make sure to verify the facts.

Above all we are the front runners in the field of legal journalism in India. We understand us responsibility and also understand that a lot of ground needs to be covered. So keep up with us and please get back to us with your feedback and suggestions to make us better.

Truth and Accuracy. Journalists cannot always guarantee & truth, but getting the facts right is the cardinal principle of journalism. …
Independence. ..
Fairness and Impartiality. …
Humanity. …

Supreme Court rejects review petitions, finds no error in same-sex marriage verdict.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court dismissed multiple petitions seeking a review of its October 17, 2023, verdict that had declined to recognize same-sex marriages...

Dallewal urges Punjab BJP leaders to approach Modi, not Akal Takht, for resolution

Farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, whose fast-unto-death entered its 46th day on Friday, released a video message targeting the Punjab unit of the Bharatiya...

गाजियाबाद में महिला ने ऊंची इमारत से लगाई छलांग, पुलिस कर रही मामले की जांच

संजय कुमार, संवाददाता गाजियाबाद(Ghaziabad) से एक दिल दहला देने वाली घटना सामने आई है। यहां एक महिला ने आज सुबह चार्म्स कैसल सोसाइटी, राज...