In the ₹100-crore excise policy scandal case, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has been asking for a seven-day extension of his interim bail. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court did not provide any directive for the early listing of his plea.
Nonetheless, Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud received the plea from a vacation bench made up of Justices J.K. Maheshwari and K.V. Viswanathan, who were instructed to make a suitable ruling about the request.
Senior attorney Abhishek Manu Singhvi requested the bench to list the case on May 29, but the court disagreed, and the bench ultimately passed the ruling.
The bench’s chief judge, Justice Maheshwari, pointed out that a different court, led by Justice Sanjiv Khanna, had reserved its decision on May 17 on Kejriwal’s appeal contesting his arrest under the PMLA Act of 2002.
Dr. Vaibhav Goel