The Delhi High Court on Tuesday issued summons to US-based artificial intelligence firm OpenAI in response to a lawsuit filed by news agency ANI (Asian News International). The suit alleges that OpenAI’s AI tool, ChatGPT, has been using ANI’s content without authorization for training and operational purposes, thereby violating copyright laws. This marks the first such legal action against a US-based AI company in India.
The court directed OpenAI to respond to the claims made in the suit, which seeks Rs 2 crore in damages along with a mandatory and permanent injunction to prevent the company from using ANI’s content in the future. ANI’s complaint centers on the alleged unauthorized use of its content for training OpenAI’s AI models, which the agency argues infringes upon its copyright.
While issuing the summons, Justice Amit Bansal declined to grant any interim relief, stating that the case involves a complex set of issues, especially with the rapidly advancing technological landscape and the challenge of balancing AI innovation with the copyrights of content creators. The court suggested appointing an amicus curiae (independent legal expert) to assist in navigating these issues.
In its defense, OpenAI’s counsel informed the court that the company had already taken action by removing links to ANI’s content and blocking access to the agency’s official website, indicating that it has made efforts to address the matter.
The lawsuit highlights the growing concerns surrounding the use of copyrighted materials in training AI models, particularly as technology like ChatGPT gains prominence in various sectors. The outcome of the case could have significant implications for AI companies and their relationship with content creators in India.