On Tuesday, May 14, the Supreme Court postponed making a decision regarding the contempt notice sent to Patanjali Ayurved Ltd., yoga teacher Ramdev, and his assistant Balkrishna in the case of deceptive ads. It also conveyed discontent with the apologies that Dr. RV Asokan, the president of the Indian Medical Association, had to offer for his comments in a media interview on certain of the court’s findings.
Case of the Patanjali ads: The Supreme Court voiced its displeasure with Dr. RV Asokan, the president of the Indian Medical Association, for his comments in a media interview regarding the court’s findings.
The personal attendance of Ramdev and Balkrishna was also dispensed with by a bench of judges Hima Kohli and Ahsanuddin Amanullah. As per its earlier directive, Ramdev and Balkrishna were present before the supreme court. In addition, the bench gave Patanjali three weeks to submit affidavits detailing the actions done to retract deceptive advertisements for Patanjali goods, for which licenses have been revoked.