Take advantage of our free news posting service to get your press release out to our website!
Posting news on LegalBoundary is easy. Just email your press release to admin@legalboundary.com, with the title in the subject line, and the content in the body. Or, attach the press release in a Word document. Do not include tracking links.
Content should be written in a press release style. We respect embargo requests — please note in the email.
Press releases are published at the discretion of the Managing Editor. We generally only publish significant company announcements such as new products or major releases, mergers and acquisitions, etc.
We don’t publish press releases about customer wins or case studies, analyst awards, partnerships, events, research, or personnel changes. Note: For research studies, consider blogging about the key findings.
LegalBoundary's team will review and publishes news under press releases every business day. Please note that the content must be relevant to our website. All links will be tagged as “no follow” to comply with Google guidelines.
If you have questions, please contact LegalBoundary’s news editor.