Much ado about The Right to Fair Compensation and transparency in Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement (amendment Bill-2015) is to bring farmer’s and farm labourer’s support for political gain by opposition known as UPA. And claim as farmer’s friendly scheme is slogan of ruling NDA’s prime segment BJP.
But farmers are benefited neither by UPA’s policy nor by NDA’s because both have ignored the point to be pondered about the safeguard of the interest of owner farmers and farm labourers. Being aggrieved and dissatisfied with UPA’s performance and point of view, this segment voted for BJP prime ally of NDA. Now this segment is considering the proposed bill as deceitful act by BJP.
UPA’s bill contained provision for 80% farmer’s consent is required or 70% in case of PPP model making social survey of impact of acquisition of land as urgent. Further, action against erring officer/officers for overlooking set standard of acquisition is provisioned. Furthermore, there is provision of reversing the ownership of land to owner farmer if acquired land is not utilized for given purpose for five years from the date of acquisition. There is provision of reconsideration for returning of land to owner farmer within 2(two) years of acquisition to original farmer.
NDA stresses , for development in the fields of Defence, National Security, PPP models, Industrial Corridors, House for Poors and infrastructure no consent is required for acquisition of land and social survey is done away with. No timeframe for commencement of project. No officer will be penalized if owner farmer moves to court for flouting of process during acquisition of land and to protect erring officer support is provided by inducting provision of taking permission from competent authority for filling suite against such officer.
If both NDA and UPA are really concerned about development of Nation and safeguard the interest of owner farmers of the Nation, requirement of thinking on other line is essential which solves land requirement issue and at the same time saves the interest of owner farmer of our country.
Govt of India has its own land in abundance as tand, unfertile land .Allotment of wasteland and reclamation of land for fulfilling requirement of land for development use would be better step. As acquisition results in displacement and dolor of displaced generally remains unattended and not redressed . Stats in this regard are sufficed to say about our skill in the field of displaced rehabilitation and compensation. Utilization of Govt. land for development work reduces pressure of reduction ofcultivable green farm land and only approach road size of land up to the Govt land site in case of need be acquired on the basis of consent , social survey of impact of acquisition of land with time bound project and reversal of ownership to original owner farmer, thus saving farming fields and providing land for development activities in real terms. But acquiring populated place and adjacent green fields/farming land tells story of getting already developed land easily- sans Endeavour to develop the land.
Utilization of Govt owned land is the best utilization of unused land for developmental projects opening threshold for new township and employment of labour force too, thus, saving sizable farming land which is treasure and essential for human life survival.
Otherwise be it UPA or NDA , the bill is forcibly land grabbing bill and not acquisition as defined . Love India, Develop India with clear intention without damaging interest of KISAN (farmer) of our Nation whom once our Ex Prime Minister late Lal Bahadur Shastrijee revered as JAI KISAN. Save from swipe Nisan of Kisan. Grain can’t be manufactured in a factory, please mind it.