On November 3, 2024, Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the Bharatiya Janata Party’s manifesto, Sankalp Patra, for the upcoming Jharkhand Assembly elections in Ranchi. During the event, he announced the party’s commitment to implementing the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Jharkhand if they secure a majority.
Shah emphasized that while the UCC aims to standardize personal laws across the country, the interests of tribal communities would be safeguarded. “We will bring the Uniform Civil Code to Jharkhand, and I assure you that tribals will not be affected at all,” he stated, seeking to reassure voters about the impact of this significant legal reform.
The UCC is a contentious issue in Indian politics, aiming to replace personal laws based on the scriptures and customs of each major religious community with a common set governing every citizen. Shah’s announcement reflects the BJP’s broader strategy to appeal to voters by promising legal uniformity and modern governance while addressing concerns specific to tribal populations in Jharkhand.
The launch of the manifesto and Shah’s statements are pivotal as the BJP aims to consolidate its support base ahead of the elections. By focusing on the UCC and assuring protection for tribal rights, the party seeks to navigate the complexities of regional dynamics and tribal sensitivities.
The upcoming elections are set against a backdrop of key issues, including development, tribal rights, and governance, making Shah’s promises particularly significant in the context of Jharkhand’s socio-political landscape. The BJP’s stance on the UCC will likely influence voter sentiments as they head to the polls, with the party striving to balance reformative promises with the need to protect local cultures and traditions.