Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal – who has been out on interim bail – said he will surrender before the police at Tihar Jail on Sunday, June 2. The Supreme Court had on May 10 granted 21-day interim bail to Kejriwal to enable him to campaign during the Lok Sabha polls.
Addressing the media on Friday, Kejriwal said that his health deteroriated in the jail. “I am a patient of serious diabetes for the last 20 years. I am given four injections everyday for the last 10 years but when I was in jail, they stopped my medication. My sugar levels reached around 300. Kidney and liver get affected if your sugar level remains so high for such long time. I don’t know what they wanted. I lost 6 kgs while in jail. Doctor is suggesting that this can be a sign of some serious disease, many tests are needed to be done. Ketone level in my urine has also increased,” says Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal.