Four young guys were run over by a car in the convoy of Karan Bhushan Singh, the BJP candidate for Lok Sabha from Kaiserganj, in the Karnailganj neighborhood of Gonda. Two of them passed away, while the other two suffered severe injuries. Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, an outspoken BJP MP, is the father of Karan.
Following accusations of sexual harassment against his father Brij Bhushan by a few prominent wrestlers, the BJP fielded Karan Bhushan Singh for the seat. A Delhi court is now hearing the matter. On May 20, votes were cast for the Uttar Pradesh seat of Kaiserganj. Voter turnout was 55.68% in that seat.
The incident happened in Karan Bhushan Singh’s convoy involving a police escort car. At the time of the disaster, Karan Bhushan Singh’s convoy was traveling through the Karnailganj section of the Gonda district in Uttar Pradesh. Two of the young men were killed and the other two suffered severe injuries when the police escort car in his convoy ran over them.
The event happened on Wednesday while Karan Bhushan Singh’s convoy was traveling through the Gonda neighborhood of Karnailganj.