In the Bemetara area of Chhattisgarh, a cargo vehicle collided with a truck, resulting in the deaths of five women and three children and the injuries of twenty-three others, police reported on Monday.
The incident happened on Sunday night in the vicinity of Kathia village. According to the official, the victims were locals of Patharra village who were coming back from a family gathering at Tiraiyya village.
According to the official, the small truck that was parked by the side of the road was struck by the cargo vehicle. He claimed that Bhuri Nishad (50), Neera Sahu (55), Geeta Sahu (60), Agniya Sahu (60), Khushbu Sahu (39), Madhu Sahu (5), Rikesh Nishad (6), and Twinkle Nishad (6) were the names of those found dead.