Karnataka Home Minister G. Parameshwara said on Wednesday that JDS MP Prajwal Revanna, who is suspected of being involved in a sex scandal, would be arrested by the special investigation team when he arrives at the airport in Bengaluru early on Friday from Munich.
In a video broadcast on Monday, Prajwal announced that he will meet with the special investigative team (SIT) on May 31 at 10 a.m. This put an end to the lengthy wait for information regarding the missing sitting JDS MP from Hassan, who has been implicated in numerous cases of sexual assault.
He couldn’t possibly leave the airport without getting arrested because a city court has already issued an arrest warrant for him.
Parameshwara said reporters on Wednesday that “he will have to be arrested there (at the airport) since there is a warrant against him.”
The response from the home minister is in line with rumors that Prajwal had reserved a seat on a May 30 Lufthansa flight from Munich to Bengaluru, which is scheduled to arrive at 12.30 am on May 31.