In preparation for the Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi submitted his nomination papers for the Varanasi parliamentary constituency on Tuesday. In the seventh and final round of voting, which takes place on June 1, PM Modi, who first stood for prime minister from Varanasi in 2014 as the NDA’s nominee, is vying for a third term in office.
The BJP’s elite followed PM Modi on Tuesday when he traveled to the Varanasi district collectorate to submit his candidacy. BJP leader JP Nadda, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah were among the officials spotted with the Prime Minister.
Alongside PM Modi were his four proposers, Sanjay Sonkar, Baijnath Patel, Lalchand Kushwaha, and Pandit Ganeshwar Shastri. An individual who supports a candidate’s nomination must be a registered voter in the Assembly or Parliamentary seat they are endorsing.
Dr. Vaibhav Goel (Writer is freelancer associated with Legal Boundary)