A controversy has erupted in Pune over a pub allegedly sending condoms and Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) to invitees of a New Year’s Eve event, prompting the police to record statements from attendees. The issue gained attention after the invitation, featuring visuals of condoms and ORS, went viral on social media.
In response, the Maharashtra Pradesh Youth Congress lodged a complaint with Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar, demanding strict action against the pub’s management. Akshay Jain, a member of the Youth Congress, stated, “We are not against pubs and nightlife, but the marketing strategy to attract youngsters is inappropriate and goes against Pune’s traditions. We urge the police to take strict action against the pub management.”
A senior police officer confirmed that the complaint was received on Sunday and that statements from several invitees had been recorded. The incident has sparked debate, with some defending the pub’s right to advertise its events in creative ways, while others criticize the approach as distasteful and culturally insensitive.
The police are continuing to investigate the matter, and further action will depend on their findings.